Tue, 3 Apr 2007-Mon, 2 Apr 2007
[***]arXiv:0704.0149 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Construction of initial data for 3+1 numerical relativity
Authors: Eric Gourgoulhon (LUTH, CNRS / Observatoire de Paris / Univ. Paris 7)
Comments: 28 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Series, for the Proceedings of the VII Mexican School on Gravitation and Mathematical Physics, held in Playa del Carmen, Mexico (Nov. 26 - Dec. 2, 2006)
[***]arXiv:0704.0138 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Circular and non-circular nearly horizon-skimming orbits in Kerr spacetimes
Authors: Enrico Barausse, Scott A. Hughes, Luciano Rezzolla
Comments: 15 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables
arXiv:astro-ph/0703775 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Quantum Gravitational Uncertainty of Transverse Position
Authors: Craig J. Hogan
Comments: 4 pages, LaTex
arXiv:gr-qc/0703155 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: A fast search strategy for gravitational waves from low-mass X-ray binaries
Authors: C. Messenger, G. Woan
Comments: 13 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the GWDAW 11 conference proceedings
arXiv:gr-qc/0703152 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Binary system delays and timing noise in searches for gravitational waves from known pulsars
Authors: Matthew Pitkin, Graham Woan (University of Glasgow)
Comments: 12 pages, 12 figures, submitted to PRD
[**]arXiv:0704.0221 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: The Return of a Static Universe and the End of Cosmology
Authors: Lawrence M. Krauss (1,2), Robert J. Scherrer (2) ((1) Case Western Reserve University, (2) Vanderbilt University)
Comments: submitted to 2007 Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competition
arXiv:0704.0207 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Quark matter and the astrophysics of neutron stars
Authors: M Prakash
Comments: 8 pages, 6 figures, Plenary talk in Quark Matter 2006 to appear in J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 34 (2007)
[*]arXiv:0704.0175 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Solar System Constraints on Gauss-Bonnet Mediated Dark Energy
Authors: Luca Amendola, Christos Charmousis, Stephen C. Davis
Comments: 12 pages
arXiv:astro-ph/0703810 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Testing the LCDM model (and more) with the time evolution of the redshift
Authors: Kayll Lake
Comments: 4 pages revtex4
arXiv:astro-ph/0703773 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: How rapidly do supermassive black hole "seeds" grow at early times?
Authors: Federico I. Pelupessy (1), Tiziana Di Matteo (1), Benedetta Ciardi (2) (1 CMU, 2 MPA)
Comments: 13 pages and figures, ApJ accepted