Authors: Luca Amendola, Shinji Tsujikawa
Comments: 7 pages, 3 figures
arXiv:0705.0513 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Murphy et al. Reply to the Comment by Kopeikin on "Gravitomagnetic Influence on Gyroscopes and on the Lunar Orbit"
Authors: T. W. Murphy Jr., K. Nordtvedt, S. G. Turyshev
Comments: 1 page; accepted for publication in Physcal Review Letters; refers to gr-qc/0702028
[***]arXiv:0705.0285 (cross-list from astro-ph) [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Rates and Characteristics of Intermediate-Mass-Ratio Inspirals Detectable by Advanced LIGO
Authors: Ilya Mandel, Duncan A. Brown, Jonathan R. Gair, M. Coleman Miller
Comments: Submitted to ApJ
[**]arXiv:0705.0164 (cross-list from hep-th) [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Inflationary Cosmology
Authors: Andrei Linde
Comments: 60 pages, 10 figs, based on a talk given at the 22nd IAP Colloquium, "Inflation+25", Paris, June 2006
arXiv:0705.0232 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Cosmological perturbations in Palatini modified gravity
Authors: Kotub Uddin, James E Lidsey, Reza Tavakol
arXiv:0705.0153 (cross-list from astro-ph) [ps, pdf, other] : Title: A Generic Test of Modified Gravity Models which Emulate Dark Matter
Authors: E. O. Kahya, R. P. Woodard (University of Florida)
Comments: 4 pages, uses RevTex, no figures
arXiv:0705.0147 (cross-list from quant-ph) [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Gödel Incompleteness and the Black Hole Information Paradox
Authors: R. Srikanth, Srikanth Hebri
Comments: 12 pages, 1 figure, REVTeX4
[*]arXiv:0704.1510 (cross-list from astro-ph) [ps, pdf, other] : Title: A compact star rotating at 1122 Hz and the r-mode instability
Authors: Alessandro Drago (Univ. Ferrara and INFN sez. Ferrara, Italy) Giuseppe Pagliara (Inst. Theoretische Physik, Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main, Germany and INFN Italy), Irene Parenti (Univ. Ferrara and INFN sez. Ferrara, Italy)
Comments: 9 pages, 3 figures
[**]arXiv:0705.0540 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Relativistic X-ray Lines from the Inner Accretion Disks Around Black Holes
Authors: J. M. Miller (University of Michigan)
Comments: 40 pages, includes color figures, to appear in ARAA, vol 45, in press
[*]arXiv:0705.0494 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Sgr A$^*$: a laboratory to measure the central black hole and cluster parameters
Authors: A.A. Nucita, F. De Paolis, G. Ingrosso, A. Qadir, A.F. Zakharov
Comments: in press on PASP, 2007
arXiv:0705.0464 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Order in the chaos? The strange case of accreting millisecond pulsars
Authors: T. Di Salvo, L. Burderi, A. Riggio, A. Papitto, M. T. Menna
Comments: 10 Pages, 3 Figures. Invited talk at "The Multicoloured Landscape of Compact Objects and their Explosive Origins" (Cefalu, Sicily, 2006 June 11-24). Eds. L. Burderi et al. (New York: AIP)
[*]arXiv:0705.0421 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Mean-Field Magnetohydrodynamics of Accretion Disks
Authors: Frank H. Shu, Daniele Galli, Susana Lizano, Alfred E.Glassgold, Patrick H. Diamond
Comments: The Astrophysical Journal, in press
arXiv:0705.0400 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Kinetic k-essence and Quintessence
Authors: Roland de Putter, Eric V. Linder
Comments: 11 pages
arXiv:0705.0356 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Using Transit Timing Observations to Search for Trojans of Transiting Extrasolar Planets
Authors: Eric B. Ford, Matthew J. Holman (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
Comments: submitted to ApJL, 12 pages, 2 figures
arXiv:0705.0352 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Angular Momentum Transport in Accretion Disks: Scaling Laws in MRI-driven Turbulence
Authors: Martin E. Pessah (1 and 2), Chi-kwan Chan (2), Dimitrios Psaltis (2 and 1) ((1) Astronomy Department, University of Arizona, (2) Physics Department, University of Arizona)
- arXiv:0705.0314 [ps, pdf, other] :
- Title: Surface Structure in an Accretion Disk Annulus with Comparable Radiation and Gas Pressure
Authors: Omer Blaes, Shigenobu Hirose, Julian H. Krolik
Comments: ApJ, in press - arXiv:0705.0305 [ps, pdf, other] :
- Title: Thermodynamics of an Accretion Disk Annulus with Comparable Radiation and Gas Pressure
Authors: Julian H. Krolik, Shigenobu Hirose, Omer Blaes
Comments: ApJ, in press
Authors: Maurizio Falanga, Fulvio Melia, Michel Tagger, Andrea Goldwurm, Guillaume Belanger
Comments: 5 Pages, 3 Figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter
arXiv:0705.0217 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: A new analysis of Poincaré dodecahedral space model
Authors: S. Caillerie, M. Lachièze-Rey, J.-P. Luminet, R. Lehoucq, A. Riazuelo, J. Weeks
Comments: Submitted to A&A, 5 pages, 4 figures
[*]arXiv:0705.0165 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Is Modified Gravity Required by Observations? An Empirical Consistency Test of Dark Energy Models
Authors: Sheng Wang (Brookhaven; Columbia), Lam Hui (Columbia; ISCAP), Morgan May (Brookhaven), Zoltan Haiman (Columbia)
Comments: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. D
[**]arXiv:0705.0155 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Accreting Neutron Stars in Low-Mass X-Ray Binary Systems
Authors: Frederick K. Lamb, Stratos Boutloukos
Comments: 22 pages, 7 figures, to appear in "Short-period Binary Stars: Observation, Analyses, and Results", eds. E.F. Milone, D.A. Leahy, and D. Hobill (Dordrecht: Springer, this http URL)
arXiv:0705.0126 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: HAT-P-2b: A Super-Massive Planet in an Eccentric Orbit Transiting a Bright Star
Authors: G. A. Bakos, G. Kovacs, G. Torres, D. A. Fischer, D. W. Latham, R. W. Noyes, D. D. Sasselov, T. Mazeh, A. Shporer, R. P. Butler, R. P. Stefanik, J. M. Fernandez, A. Sozzetti, A. Pal, J. Johnson, G. W. Marcy, B. Sipocz, J. Lazar, I. Papp, P. Sari
Comments: Submitted to ApJ
[**]arXiv:0705.0084 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Dynamical Friction of a Circular-Orbit Perturber in a Gaseous Medium
Authors: Hyosun Kim (1), Woong-Tae Kim (1) ((1) Department of Physics and Astronomy, FPRD, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea)
Comments: 28 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal
arXiv:0705.0048 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Horizon-Penetrating Transonic Accretion Disks around Rotating Black Holes
Authors: Rohta Takahashi
Comments: MNRAS accepted
[*]arXiv:0705.0030 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: High Frequency QPOs in Neutron Stars and Black Holes: Probing Dense Matter and Strong Gravitational Fields
Authors: Frederick K. Lamb
Comments: 30 pages, 8 figures, published in "From X-Ray Binaries to Gamma-ray Bursts", proceedings of a symposium held in memory of Jan van Paradijs 6-9 June 2001, eds. E.P.J. van den Heuvel, L. Kaper, E. Roi, & R.A.M.J. Wijers
Journal-ref: ASP Conference Series Vol. 308, 221-250 (2003)
arXiv:0705.0014 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: Galactic X-ray binary jets
Authors: Elena Gallo (UCSB)
Comments: Proceedings of the Fifth Stromlo Symposium: Disks, Winds & Jets - from Planets to Quasars
arXiv:0705.0004 [ps, pdf, other] : Title: On constraining a transiting exoplanet's rotation rate with its transit spectrum
Authors: David S. Spiegel, Zoltan Haiman, B. Scott Gaudi
Comments: 31 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, submitted to ApJ